The list of nouns for spare

subject: General

Spare, is an adjective describing nouns like: bedroom, boat and body

An adjective is a part of speech, that describes a noun. It enriches a sentence by adding an additional information. There are several types of adjectives and different ways of creating them.

This page is dedicated to the adjective spare that describes nouns beginning with bed. Sorting of these words is random. In addition the listed vocabulary is categorized into five topics, just like our entire website. This particular section refers to General words. You may wonder what is a difference between Verbsearch and other analogus pages. The goal of our website is to fit the search results as close to your requirements as possible. This means that for the purposes of a business article the vocabulary will be slightly different than for law thesis. We believe that this split will allow to find the most useful adjectives. However if you are not fully satisfied with the search results, just check out the other category. Note that the most popular words are presented in the general section, but more specific ones you will find in the remaining four sections. Notice, that if you want to find other nouns that are linked to the word spare click on a particular word. However, if you want to learn more about adjectives overall, read the text below.

What exactly is an adjective

Adjective is a word that illustrates and converts a noun. This part of speech gives more details about a specific person, a place or a thing. Its role is to enrich a noun. However, it can significantly change the meaning of a described noun.
See examples blow:
• The opposite meaning, adjectives change the meaning of a noun: a tiny table vs a huge table
• More details, adjectives enrich a noun with detailed, the descriptive information: a huge, roomy house
• A different meaning, each adjective describes a noun with a different but not opposite meaning: a huge dog or a beautiful dog
So, in other words, adjective brings information of a state or quality of the illustrated noun. It collects and provides information about object, size, colour, age, shape, origin and many more.

Creating an adjective

This part of speech is formed in different ways. Some adjectives are built by adding a suffix –able to a verb, eg: admirable. Other consist of a noun and –ful at the end, like skillful. Some suffixes with examples are listed below.
• - al: criminal
• - ary: monetary
• - ish: childish
• - ic: paradigmatic
• - less: careless
• - ous: famous
• - ive: creative

Adjective types

There are several types of adjectives, among others:
• Descriptive:
◦ (size): petite
◦ (color): pink
◦ (opinion): pink
◦ (age): good
◦ (shape): two
• Quantitative: hexagon
• Nationality: Australian
For more adjective examples write down a noun in the search box on our page
For more information referring to adjectives check here.

Last updated: Sep 20, 2024

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