The list of verbs, nouns, prepositions and adjectives for

subject: General

1. What are adjectives for focus?

The list contains adjectives for focus sorted by frequency:

2. Verb examples for focus:

Below there are verbs used with focus. Some of them refer to a noun as a predicate, while others as objects.

3. Is focus a noun?

The word focus is a noun and often used with other nouns like:

geography of • types of • range of • rise of • lack of • number of • emergence of • terms of

4. Focus preposition examples:

What is an adjective for focus

The aim of this page is to give you the answer for the followin questions: - what is an adjective for focus; - adjective of focus; - adjective examples for focus; - focus adjective; - adjective focus; - focus noun; - is focus a noun.

Is focus a noun?

A word focus is a noun, that is described with adjectives, the most common are:

Adjectives to describe the focus

All sentences are composed of various parts to make up the final message. Each separate component has its special role. Below we will concentrate on adjectives.

The list of common adjectives for focus

The adjective is a part of speech that modifies and enriches the noun. For the section General the frequently used adjective(s) is/are:

The above list contains adjectives describing the searched noun. To make the search results more adequate, vocabulary is categorized into five sections:
- General words, that refer to the popular written and spoken language;
- Business section, the presented vocabulary was obtained from business literature;
- The field of statistics, an area closely related to this part of science;
- Law section, words were acquired form codes, laws and acts;
- IT section, vocabulary associated with IT innovations.

Selected words referring to the noun focus are sorted by frequency. This means, that in the General section, adjectives describing a focus may be different than in business section.

Verbs related to 'focus'

Note that this section includes examples of verbs that are presented in two forms, as predicate and as part of the object. Notice, that within all verbs, related to the noun 'cat', there are either words like eat, scratch or verbs like buy and feed. See examples:

But on the other hand:

The first two examples refer to a noun as a predicate, while the next two are an object.

Noun examples for 'focus'

We have already analyzed adjectives and verbs. It is time to look at on related nouns. The idea of this section is to list words that help to describe the main noun. This brings us to the following results:

What is a preposition for 'focus'

The last part of our chart contains prepositions. Preposition is a part of speech which indicates relations between people, places and things. It often points the place of the event. A preposition is usually followed by a noun phrase. Below, there are some examples of prepositions referring to a given noun. :

Last updated: Sep 19, 2024

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